Here are a few of the questions we get from time to time regarding the company, and our services. If you have other questions, please use the More Questions button at the bottom of the page to visit the Contact section of our site.

My business entity, Cap Web Solutions, is single-owner LLC for operational and tax classification purposes. I function as a sole proprietor. I provide 99% of the services offered myself. That includes website support, hosting and development.

I have three freelancers that I have brought in to provide backup technical support when I have 1) taken a completely disconnected vacation, 2) when the volume of my support requests surpassed my ability to respond within my service level agreements, and 3) when I needed some specialized Javascript programming to complete a task for a customer website.

I manage the number of clients I have at any one time to align with my preferred work-life balance. I am not trying to grow my WordPress agency. At this point in my life, I choose to have a business that can sustain me and my goals. I have no plans to hire full-time staff. Been-there, done-that. Not going back.

That being said, if I get hit by the proverbial beer truck during my morning walk, you may experience a delayed response to a support request you submit that day 😉 

When I have had a sick day in the past, I call in one of the contractors I’ve worked with and have trained on my systems. They handle any requests that come in. 

Cap Web Solutions’ has offered WordPress hosting services since 2014. Initially, hosting was offered on WP Engine and SiteGround. I moved to new hardware providers that offer me access to provide more customization to the technology stack and better monitoring. 

Currently, I am hosting sites on very capable cloud providers – VultrDigitalOcean, and Amazon Litesail. All have been around for quite some time and I expect them to remain operational for the foreseeable future. 

I use an online service provided by Gridpane which pulls together all the monitoring and service procurement functionality I need to offer robust, truly ‘Managed’ WordPress hosting that is fast, secure, and scalable.

I build the servers to run very efficiently with minimal sites on each server.  For example, my client’s e-commerce sites are on a server offering finely tuned search capability for quicker product lookup.  I try to align the location of the individual servers with the primary market area for a specific site. 

All of our annual hosting plans include 2 months free. The 6-month / bi-annual plans include 1 month free. The prepaid plans are not refundable though.

Asking questions involves no commitment and I won’t hound you with marketing spam.